The Curb Cut Effect and Remote Work

The Curb Cut Effect and Remote Work

Most people haven’t heard of the curb cut effect, but once you know what it is, it generally makes sense. Applying it to remote work may be a first, but I think the principles are the same. The curb-cut effect was coined by Angela Glover Blackwell and is the...
The Curse of Digital Presenteeism

The Curse of Digital Presenteeism

The concept of Presenteeism is hard wired in many company cultures. Early in, working late and always at your desk means you must be doing a great job. Fact or not, this is the standard for many leaders. It’s also expected by those under them. Most of us have...
Is it Remote Work or Working Remote?

Is it Remote Work or Working Remote?

Two years into a pandemic and definitions for the way we work are still somewhat fluid. Remote work terminology is partially tied to the work people do. I’m sure we will come up with some firm definitions at some point, but depending on what you do, there are...