Remote First
Stay up to date on remote work practices and company success stories.
Your Remote First Strategy
For the next 3 years, Companies are likely to need to adopt a remote first approach wherever possible. If you assume people are working from home and a few come into the office and someone gets sick, there is minimal impact. If you try to bring everyone...
Got Any Spare Office Space?
When was the last time you heard that phrase? Probably not recently. Between unleased and partially occupied commercial real estate, nationally almost 50% is available. This is a problem on a lot of levels. For companies who own or lease their own space, the immediate...
Loneliness At Work
The Great American philosopher William Martin Joel once was describing the lives of a variety of workers. He pointed out that they had addictions, they had side hustles and they had loneliness. He described them as "sharing a drink they call loneliness, but it's...
15 Minute Communities
As an urban studies major I was always interested in the structure of cities and how we use space. The concept of walking cities has been around for a long time and it lends itself to the vibrancy of communities. It brings us back to the structure of most communities...
A Return to Lower Productivity
The news is full of examples of CEOs trying to lure, coerce, or herd workers back into the office. There are a few carrots but even more sticks. This is important to improve productivity - right? Wrong! The data has shown just the opposite. Productivity tends to trend...
Build Trust With Your Remote Team
Trust happens between the meetings - Simon Sinek Building trust with your remote team can be challenging if you’re not used to working with people you don’t see in person daily. Butts in seats never was a good management strategy, but in the remote world, it isn't...