
Remote First


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Embracing Your Town’s Fictional History

Embracing Your Town’s Fictional History

Cities like Boston, Rome, Philadelphia, and Paris all have rich histories. Even small towns have some historical significance that some small niche of the world's population may find interesting. Shirley Massachusetts has a museum that is partially devoted to my...

Support Your Local Business

Support Your Local Business

Online shopping was already changing the local landscape even before the pandemic. As remote work changed our traffic patterns and where people were daily, the ecosystems in both cities and towns changed dramatically. Many city businesses revolved around the care and...

I am Spartacus

I am Spartacus

In 1960, Stanley Kubrick gave us the classic movie Spartacus (4 Academy Awards). If you haven't seen the film, it's the true (mostly) story of a gladiator and slave in Roman times. We don't have a lot of specifics about Spartacus himself from the historical record,...

The Other Tax – Coordination

The Other Tax – Coordination

Coordination tax refers to the additional time, effort, and resources required to manage and synchronize work among team Coordination tax refers to the additional time, effort, and resources required to manage and synchronize work among team members who are not...

We All Love Legos

We All Love Legos

Legos are almost 100 years old. The name "LEGO" is derived from the Danish words "leg godt," meaning "play well." Their current form didn't emerge until 1958, but it's been part of our popular culture ever since. They are so intuitive that they don't need any...

The Curse of Opportunity

The Curse of Opportunity

I was trying to come up with a title for this article and the curse of opportunity was the only thing I could come up with other than too much of a good thing. Unfortunately, they're not the same thing.  Maybe you can come up with a better description of the scenario....