
Remote First


Stay up to date on remote work practices and company success stories.

A Remote First Approach

A Remote First Approach

Remote First is an approach to how work is done as much as where it is done. "Why do we have offices?" is a question that companies should be asking. It's been interesting to watch how different companies have approached the remote work situation. A lot of companies...

Transitioning to Remote Work

Transitioning to Remote Work

Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC) has taken a big step in the hybrid worker department, announcing that it will allow 40,000 U.S. employees to work remotely from anywhere in the continental U.S. I worked for then Coopers and Lybrand just before the merger took place and...

Why remote education is the future

Why remote education is the future

For as long as people have been in school, there has been some form of remote education. From children learning to read via correspondence courses to high school students taking online classes, the concept of education occurring outside of the classroom isn’t anything...

Successful Remote Government Services

Successful Remote Government Services

Remote government services are on the rise. It’s estimated that almost 10 million workers now work remotely in America, as there’s been an huge increase in telecommuting jobs since 2016. This is especially true in the tech industry, where many remote-friendly...

Telemedicine and Remote Health Services

Telemedicine and Remote Health Services

Telemedicine isn't new, but it is changing medical services faster now. For decades, the best way to get medical treatment has been to physically go to the doctor’s office, hospital or clinic. But increasingly, people are looking for alternatives to driving or flying...