What Are CEOs Thinking?

What Are CEOs Thinking?

With all the evidence to support remote work, some CEOs just don’t get it. So what are CEOs thinking that is different than the rest of us? Part of it seems tied to perceptions of the work itself. In a recent survey, 87% of employees felt they were productive at...
The Self-Organizing Work Environment

The Self-Organizing Work Environment

Remote work is not a fad or a trend, and it’s self-organizing. It’s the natural evolution in how work happens. We might not have seen it coming, but it is here. For those that get the concept, they are riding the wave and embracing the change. In the...
The Sunk Cost Fallacy of Returning to the Office

The Sunk Cost Fallacy of Returning to the Office

Returning to the office for many is based on a sunk cost fallacy. For those of you that haven’t been acquainted with the term, a sunk cost fallacy is usually referring to decisions made based on investments that were previously made. So in this case, the...
The History of the 9 to 5

The History of the 9 to 5

The history of the 9 to 5 is important to understanding the migration to remote work. So many people are stuck in “we’ve always done it that way” and they don’t always know the history behind it. The 9 to 5 was around for almost 200 years...
The Curse of Digital Presenteeism

The Curse of Digital Presenteeism

The concept of Presenteeism is hard wired in many company cultures. Early in, working late and always at your desk means you must be doing a great job. Fact or not, this is the standard for many leaders. It’s also expected by those under them. Most of us have...
Is it Remote Work or Working Remote?

Is it Remote Work or Working Remote?

Two years into a pandemic and definitions for the way we work are still somewhat fluid. Remote work terminology is partially tied to the work people do. I’m sure we will come up with some firm definitions at some point, but depending on what you do, there are...