The Conservative Case for Remote Work

The Conservative Case for Remote Work

There are currently two competing directives regarding workers in the Federal Government.  On the one hand, workers are being told to return to offices.  And on the other hand, government leases are being ordered to be terminated.  While I think there should be a real...
Morphogenetic Fields and Community

Morphogenetic Fields and Community

Morphogenetic fields have been proposed to explain phenomena not fully accounted for by genetic or biochemical factors alone. For instance, studies on cell differentiation, embryonic development, and tissue regeneration are areas where the theory has been invoked,...
Fixing the Federal Budget

Fixing the Federal Budget

The federal government workforce has largely been static for the past 80 years. They serve a larger population than in 1945, so they do more with less. And yet federal employees seem to be the target of the proposed budget cuts. Remote work also gets tossed around...
Embracing Your Town’s Fictional History

Embracing Your Town’s Fictional History

Cities like Boston, Rome, Philadelphia, and Paris all have rich histories. Even small towns have some historical significance that some small niche of the world’s population may find interesting. Shirley Massachusetts has a museum that is partially devoted to my...
Support Your Local Business

Support Your Local Business

Online shopping was already changing the local landscape even before the pandemic. As remote work changed our traffic patterns and where people were daily, the ecosystems in both cities and towns changed dramatically. Many city businesses revolved around the care and...
I am Spartacus

I am Spartacus

In 1960, Stanley Kubrick gave us the classic movie Spartacus (4 Academy Awards). If you haven’t seen the film, it’s the true (mostly) story of a gladiator and slave in Roman times. We don’t have a lot of specifics about Spartacus himself from the...