The Other Tax – Coordination

The Other Tax – Coordination

Coordination tax refers to the additional time, effort, and resources required to manage and synchronize work among team Coordination tax refers to the additional time, effort, and resources required to manage and synchronize work among team members who are not...
We All Love Legos

We All Love Legos

Legos are almost 100 years old. The name “LEGO” is derived from the Danish words “leg godt,” meaning “play well.” Their current form didn’t emerge until 1958, but it’s been part of our popular culture ever since. They...
Future of Retail

Future of Retail

The future of retail is going to look different. COVID affected nearly every aspect of our lives and nearly every industry. One of the hardest-hit industries was in-store fashion retail. This one was already struggling to survive before the virus. In many states, only...
The Legacy of Robert Moses

The Legacy of Robert Moses

For those of you who have never heard of Robert Moses, he was a city official in New York in the early part of the 20th century. A rather large Pulitzer Prize-winning book called The Powerbroker was written about his life. If you can get through the nearly 1300 pages,...
Will AI Simply Replace Workers?

Will AI Simply Replace Workers?

On March 8, 1968 Capt Kirk was replaced by AI on Star Trek. We should have all seen this coming. As with all Star trek episodes, our humanity eventually triumphed. AI will definitely change our world, and many jobs will join the ranks of cobbler, blacksmith, and town...
3D Printing the Future

3D Printing the Future

While 3D printing is becoming more popular in today’s world, there are many advantages to using it as well as some disadvantages. Let’s go over the pros and cons when it comes to 3D printing. 3D printing is an innovative manufacturing process that involves...